... that does not only mean to have enough food, clothes and accommodation, although even those essential things represent a formidable challenge in India. All of the projects, that we support, fight for the possibility to satisfy the basic needs of every child.
Yet, in our view, childhood mainly means to have the opportunity to develop freely. During the first years of one’s life this happens by playing games. A lot of projects, even those with many years of experience, do not have the resources to build a play yard or buy toys. Moreover, the durability of toys is negatively influenced by extreme climate conditions. Not surprisingly, projects save costs at this point first.
Exactly this is what "du für alle" ("you for all") wants to change with the help of our new campaign "Jedem Kind eine Kindheit" (A childhood for every child). "Regarding a happy childhood fun, exercise, games and creativity are indispensable." (Friedo Hehmann, chairman of "du für alle").
In September/October 2013 the focus of our journey to India was on the implementation of our campaign which was achieved through purchasing the following playing material: 40 volleyballs, 10 volleyball nets, 10 small footballs, 15 large footballs, 20 badminton rackets, 10 badminton nets, 20 boxes of shuttlecocks, 3 small, 9 medium, 3 large cricket bats, 6 cricket sets, 100 cricket balls, 5 small, 10 large carrom boards, 60 board games, 20 rings and 20 skipping ropes.
The total value amounts to EUR 787.68€.
Deliberately, we directly bought all playing material in a small sporting-goods shop in Vijayawada to encourage the Indian economy actively. In our opinion, this is the best way to provide social work in a country like India – according to the motto: "Help me to do it myself!" (Maria Montessori).
In the end, we personally handed out the toys and material to our project partners and logically the kids supported us on unpacking.
After all, the major success of our journey is not made up of numbers. Decisive for us is to experience what can be accomplished within less than one year of club work, within three weeks in India and a few hundred Euros:
Communication across language borders, fun, games, laugh and shining eyes. For us this is the greatest possible success.
Some impressions:
"du für alle" e.V.
c/o Friedo Hehmann
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